
An object launched into a gravitational field will subsequently follow a parabolic trajectory. Two points of special interest are the highest point reached and the landing point, which may or may not be on the same level as the launch point.

The key idea is that, at launch, the object is given a horizontal component of velocity uh, which does not change for the rest of the motion, and a vertical component of velocity uv, which does change as the object accelerates in the (vertical) gravitational field.

A common technique in analysing projectiles is to deal with the vertical motion first, calculating the time of flight from one of

vv = uv - g t

sv = uvt - ½gt²

(ordinary SUVAT equations with up taken as positive) and then to calculate the horizontal range by substituting that time into

sh = uht


The standard piece of bookwork

In the diagram on the right an object is launched with speed u at an angle q to the horizontal. The vertical component of its velocity is given by uv = usinq, and by the time it reaches the ground again, it is back where it started from a vertical point of view, so that the vertical component of its displacement is zero. Substituting into the second of the equations above, we have           

0 = usinq t - ½gt²   

which easily yields, for time of flight 

t = 0 or (2 usinq  / g)

(The zero solution corresponds to the start, there being two moments when the vertical displacement is zero!)

To calculate the range (the long blue arrow on the diagram), we substitute this value of t into the third equation, using ucosq for the horizontal component of velocity:

Range = sh = uht = ucosq (2 usinq  / g)

A little algebra and trigonometry produces

Range = (u²sin 2q )/ g

The maximum range occurs when sin2q has its maximum value of 1, which is when 2q = 90º. So the maximum range is achieved for a launch angle of 45º.


Other calculations

Substituting half of the time of flight into the second equation gives the maximum height to  which the projectile rises.  

If the projectile is launched horizontally, then the horizontal component of velocity is the launch velocity itself. Provided you are given the height of the cliff, or whatever, to use as sv, you can still use the second equation to obtain the time of flight by putting uv equal to zero.                

If you are launching from a sloping ramp, life will be a bit more complicated because you will need to use the ramp geometry to calculate a value for sv and the second equation will now be a quadratic, requiring a solution using standard techniques.